Create your account

Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
Our laboratory would like to register for the forensics PT portal.

For participants of the GSR proficiency test, the web-based GSR QC Analysis Tool will be provided free of charge with the PT sample for 100 evaluations.

  • All necessary payments must be performed before the date of sample dispatch specified in the established timelines. If payments are not performed in time, sample dispatch will be denied and no participation in the PT round is possible.
  • The PT samples must be treated in the same manner as the majority of routinely tested samples.
  • Established timelines such as start and finish date of the PT round must be strictly adhered to. Late results will not be considered in the PT evaluation.
A valid email address. All emails from the system will be sent to this address. The email address is not made public and will be used as credential or if you change account settings.
Shipping address
QuoData GmbH will send samples here.
Billing address
quo data Gesellschaft für Qualitätsmanagement and Statistik mbH assures the full confidentiality of data, which is exclusively used for comparison and evaluation purposes only.